Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Small town joys

Awhile back, several friends and I journeyed southwest to Kenneth, MN. Yup. It's a one-horse town and we had a blast! The first picture is the Wayside Chapel, it's the best! (remember that it was frigid and windy) The second shot is of Marty's folks dairy barn followed by the boys up in the quarry. Finally is the shot of the infamous Pamida store. It's like Alco or Duckwalls - so old, old school fun. I bought candy.


SUPER said...

Is it is cool as we thought the Piggly Wiggly was when we moved to Nashville?

rubyslipperlady said...

Almost, my sister, almost. But no one tried to pick me up at the Pamida.

rubyslipperlady said...

Almost, my sister, almost. But no one tried to pick me up at the Pamida.