So often I shortchange God. I don't give him the credit he deserves. I don't allow for the idea that he can do far more and greater things than I can even imagine. I am so sorry to say that I even second-guess people who have amazing things happen that are completely from God and by no way could they be anything else but God. However, here's an amazing example of someone who has faith that God can move mountains. Ben, I love you and you ROCK!
Perhaps I'm jealous because I'm not allowing God to do those sorts of things in my life lately (the past 2 years).
Guess I know what I need to pray on for a bit.
Book Review of On Getting Out of Bed by Alan Noble
18 hours ago
I've never looked at myself in that way. Especially because I still wonder where the next meal is going to come from. I will say this though! Yesterday, I was stressing over the bills, and the money, and my clothes, and the way I looked and what I need and don't have. And I started to write my prayer in my journal and I looked down and my hand and saw that ring. And I realized that for the rest of my life, that ring will testify not only to others, but to myself that God wants to give me more than just a gold band. But he wants to give me the caves and the streams that the Gold came from. My next meal? Who knows. Only he does, and I have to be okay with that. And I have to say that I'm not always gracious about it. But I'm learning that I can either worship HIM or worship my fear. But I can't have two masters.
I love ya, friend!
who is ben?
You know, it was the three of us at my folks house for Thanksgiving one year when we watched that movie and mendy and I quoted every line. Clint just thought it was a "chick flick."
Also the trip where Ang spilled red kool-aid on Mom's brand-new light blue carpet. Mom was on her hands and knees saying repeatedly, "I love my child more than my carpet, I love my child more than my carpet."
Good times.
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