Thursday, January 26, 2006


That's right. Time to brush up on my Japanese. I'm so excited and giddy and nervous and scared all at once. At this point, I am set up for an interview in Feb. I recieved an email today saying that I should receive a letter within the next week with all the details. I'm looking forward to it. The interview will be in Denver Feb 22 &/or 23. When I know more I'll get my ticket and hope to see all my dear friends and loved ones while I'm there. YIKES! FUN! HOORAY!

And I even know where my Japanese dictionary is right now. The tape, now that's another thing all together. hmmm, maybe I should hit the library.



carrie said...

Gombate-ne! Is this interview with JET? Now don't you wish you were going with me on my trip?! Can't wait to hear how it goes!

SUPER said...

Come on...Japan????? Liberal???? Japan???? Liberal????
How come you aren't still hoping for Liberal?
I can't figure it out?


rubyslipperlady said...

It's not that I'm not hoping for L-town, I just really don't know to be honest. I praying for discernment and good interviews all around.

The interview is with JET.

rubyslipperlady said...

are you insane? Free housing isn't enough for you?