I found this piece on a blog I drop by occassionally. Love to hear thoughts.
Posted By: Wendell
The average age for brides and grooms continues creep higher throughout the developed world. We are seeing this in our own extended family as two nephews recently married in their early thirties and three more are single approaching thirty with no marriage plans that we know of.
Listen to the responses you get when you ask older singles the reason they aren’t married:
1. "I have to wait until I get school debt paid off and have reached a level of financial independence."
2. "I have seen too many lousy marriages (starting with their parents) and I am not sure I want to live with that amount of pain."
3. "My girlfriend is fine with cohabitation. I get the sex without the commitment, so why marry."
4. "I am still waiting for God to show me the right guy/girl."
Let’s look at some of the problems that Christian singles create for themselves by procrastination:
Creation of a selfish, me-first attitude after extended years of having it your way. By avoiding marriage, we are missing out on one of God’s best tools for sanctification. Marital adjustment can be much harder for older singles after many years of not needing to share and compromise.
Pushing the envelop with our biological clocks. I have a nephew currently in the throes of IVF (in vitro fertilization) at a fertility clinic. They are in their mid-30s . Experts will tell you that early 20s are prime time fertility and it is rapidly downhill by the late 20s.
There is less need to trust God in all aspects of your life if you both have it financially wired before marriage.
Delays by each subsequent generation are causing 4 common familial problems: More problems with parenting roles as both partners are well entrenched in jobs and are not willing to take extended leave for parenting; 50 year olds enduring the physical and emotional stress of parenting teens; pensioners with kids still in college; feeble, unengaged grandparents in their 70s when grandkids come along.
Finally we need to remember the command we have to be fruitful and multiply. We need to be entering marriage early enough to allow that to happen. And finally, to take seriously our roles as parents and disciplers of God’s gifts to us!
He who finds a wife, finds a good thing and receives favor from the Lord. Proverbs 18:22
Book Review of On Getting Out of Bed by Alan Noble
19 hours ago
This person needs to read the apostle Paul's Corinthian letters.."It is better not to marry".
Both singleness and marriage are gifts. And we are called to enjoy each and recieve them as blessings.
The grass is always greener on the other side.
I agree. Well said.
Refer to my latest blog post and you will know my take on this.
One word should easily sum it up today...BITTER!
I'm trying to work on it though!
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