OK, I am not a sports fan of any kind really, although I am a bit mournful about my dear Cards not making it to the Series. Anyway, even though I'm not a sports buff, I don't really think that anyone would count this as a real sport. You have got to check this out! Let's all revert back to childhood for just a moment, shall we...with...that's right...
rock ..paper..scissors!
What I can't believe is my beloved Broncos losing by one point in the last...oh 8 seconds of the game! ARGH!
The other thing I can't believe...is how you come up with crap like this? It's random, you are weird, and I'm flabbergasted!
I can't remember the origination of this little tidbit. It's just one of the joys and treasures that makes me--me! You know that you love me! How could you not, really?
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