You may have noticed that whilst (I love that word) my blog is titled,
There's No Place Like Home, my blog addy is whereisthebam.
This, my friends, is the story of the bam.
I was in my second year of grad school. My favorite part of the program was the cohort system, so I went through the two-year program with mostly the same classmates. We were sitting in a class with one prof, whom I just loved, such a dry sense of humor, and he was talking about how we didn't need to worry and we had plenty of time to come up with our thesis topic, or some such thing.
That's when I sorta, well, lost it. My remark to his remark went something like this. . .
"See now, that's what you all keep telling us. All the professors keep telling us 'don't worry, you have plenty of time, no need to focus on that now,' and the all of sudden - BAM! (insert lound slapping on the desk) we have to know and we have to know RIGHT NOW. I need more parameters than, 'don't worry, we'll let you know.'"
The whole class jumped and it was what I will now be remembered for amonst my classmates. Great. So, I ran with it. The final presentation for grad school included several comments on my part about 'the BAM.' I refer to the BAM as that moment when you finally get it. The light goes on and you finally know something. You know what you are doing, where you are going, how you are going to get there, any number of things. The BAM is a glorious thing. I had a most glorious BAM just two days ago. Tuesday evening I picked up the final, signed, bound copies of my thesis. I'm done. Completely done. What an amazing feeling. It was the best BAM moment of my grad career, well, that and commencement.
Commencement. AMAZING! As we walked into the hall before entering the auditorium, we heard thunderous applause. It was all the professors in their academic regalia applauding US. It was breathtaking, really. Then, as I walked across the stage to the sound of my name and had my Master's hood bestowed upon me, my classmates hollared, "BAM!" Then, finally, as I walked down the steps, heading back to my seat, my friends and sisters in the front row, held up the backs of their programs where they had written out "B-A-M-!" It was glorious! I couldn't stop smiling, as you can see. One of my sisters even had that photo made into US postage stamps for my birthday. It was great!
So, now you know where the BAM is in my life these days. I was beginning to wonder, but it's all over and life is good. Now if I can find the BAM of a new job that will not squelch my gifts, talents and passions. hmmm, suggestions?
and it was a dang good thing those stamps were so cute...cause they are so overpriced. but fun.
had not heard this story. thanks
I LOVED the stamps! They were one of the best gifts EVER! I had seen them but wouldn't pay for them myself so I was super pumped when I opened the package, yippee for me! You can get them for me with a different picture this year, too. (The good Friar, among others, I believe received one in the mail. Wasn't that fun!)
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