Thursday, August 18, 2005

Look where I'm going!

Pike's Peak


Friar Tuck said...

Cant wait to see you!

SUPER said...

Just too could live in the Sunshine state and see those lovely mountains EVERY DAY!'d really be cool...well, okay, maybe just a rung up on the coolness ladder of life!

rubyslipperlady said...

Umm, the Sunshine State is Florida.

SUPER said...

oh...well..whatever...they keep saying something here about it being the sunniest (is that a word?) state!

rubyslipperlady said...

Well it is the Mile High City, so it's closer to the sun?

SUPER said...

correctamundo! the eye doctor told me because it was the "SUNSHINE state", and because I was so fair skinned and blue eyed...the sun would continue to be an issue with my eyes even after we get the issue under control..which I still don't think it is. Lucky me.

Friar Tuck said...

You two are so funny!

Whats wrong with your eyes?