Friday, November 11, 2005

Lion, Witch & Wardrobe

I'm helping to facilitate a book study on this C.S. Lewis classic on Sunday afternoon. Anyone have any good suggestions or sources online that I might check out? We're only doing the first five chapters. Thanks in advance. And if you haven't read this GO GET IT NOW!


Friar Tuck said...

I would link through my blog to Rebecca's Ruminations.

She did her Sr. Project in college on TS Eliot and CS Lewis

Gossip Cowgirl said...

As far as books go, I'd check out Roar, for Christian Families. Or even the Family Guide, it's alright. Roar is better. I would steer clear of the "Finding God in Narnia" type books if you're a CS Lewis fan at all. They tend to downplay his Christianity and talk up their own personal philosophies (which are sometimes scary).

Normally, I would never direct anyone to the "Narnia Resources" or "Narnia Outreach" websites because I think they're a shameless capitalistic promotional tool. However, we did check out some of these discussion guides because we're doing an all-ages Narnia Sunday School next year (using "Roar"), and so I'll reluctantly give you a decent
online resource, but add that if you use them, look carefully through them first. The leader guide isn't bad.

If you're not looking to make huge theological connections, and just looking to study the book as literature, check out the Oxford tutorial. It has good in-depth questions that will hopefully lead to some very interesting discussion. Plus, it's broken up into handle-able segments.

Sorry for the soapbox about the Christian Media Machine. Good luck with your book study. Please post about how things go. I'd love to hear what you did and how it went.

rubyslipperlady said...

wow, I guess that about covers it then, huh. I'll let you know.Thanks!