Thursday, November 24, 2005

Gobble! Gobble! Gobble!

I'm off for some wine and cheese at home tonight and cleaning and reading. yea!

Tomorrow is church and then to the pastor's for the big meal along with some others I know. Leftovers that night will probably be at Chris's mom's place, then back to work on Fri, where I think I'll bring potato soup for the crew. I know, not terribly Thanksgivingish, but I have a ton of spuds from the farmer's market.

Thanksgiving. A pretty darned boring holiday. One of my least favs actually. Nothing on but that damned sport and I don't really like turkey. I try to focus on the whole "thanks" part of the holiday and remember that I at least have turkey to eat and am typically surrounded by family and/or friends at a place that has electricity and a TV.

Time to leave my junky job (that I am actually thankful that I have even though I don't like) and go home.

Thank you, God, for reminding me of the joy that you alone can give, regardless of turkey, football and being far away from those I love most.

1 comment:

Friar Tuck said...

I had dinner at my boss' house.

Everyone asked me, did you go to church this morning.

church on thanksgiving: HELL NO