Friday, August 17, 2007

Farewell Senegal!

That's right, I fly out of Dakar this afternoon to land in Bamako, Mali. I'm looking forward to this because it means I'm one step closer to Kenya - yea! I know that I will learn a ton with the people that I will be working with as well. I'm trying to enjoy these moments where my brain isn't stuffed while I can.

I have added another B&B on the sidebar and want to mention it here, too. Some friends of mine (actually, it's Carrie the Adventurer's parents) live up in Alaska and have a beautiful B&B that I highly recommend. It's just beautiful, the food is fabulous and the hosts are a delight! Not to mention that the address is on EASY STREET! How great is that!

My time in Senegal has been mostly good. I'm not very happy with the fact that there are lizards IN MY SUITCASE and in my home, but God and I are working on that one right now. We're starting with tiny lizards. I get the creeps just talking about them though.

Here's a picture of the one I shooed out of my suitcase last week. I thought I was going to die.

Anyway, many blessings to each of you. I've got just enough time to add the picture and shut the computer down before we head to the apt to get our stuff and drive the airport. yippee!


SUPER said...

You could have killed it and had lizard stew?! Although, it doesn't look like the little guy would have provided much meat?

rubyslipperlady said...

you are disgusting

David Cho said...

Hahaha, love the exchange between you two.

rubyslipperlady said...

Yup, David. Everyone wishes they were in our family.

well, sorta.

Friar Tuck said...

Lizards are better than spiders.