I am a very angry woman. Not actually at this moment, but deep down, I have so much anger that I know that it frightens some people and has caused me to lose friendships. I'm trying to deal with it but realize that is not very successful for me right now.
Why am I angry? To whom am I angry?
Well, if I had that answer, it would be a lot easier to fix and aleve the anger. Not really sure here which is terribly frustrating for me and makes me angrier, which isn't helpful now is it.
Why am I telling you this, no idea. Thought, really, that as I typed, something might be released or I would be inspired by something to focus on, look at or change.
This is so far beyond me that I don't know where to begin. God is in control and to be honest, I want to be. Even though I know that I suck at it, obviously.
I believe God can heal me, but apparently something is holding me back. Fear of what I am going to have to face. Fear that I'm going to have to take responsibility. Fear often leads to anger. What am I so afraid of.
Well, this didn't really help me at all and I'm wondering if I should even post it but I'm tired of looking at my previous posts promoting my friend's businesses so here ya go. maybe.
I'm not looking for answers, magic pills maybe, just kidding (mostly).
If you'd like to say a prayer for me, that would be appreciated.